Alex Dowad Computes
Explorations in the world of code

Legal Notice

This website incorporates open-source software code and fonts from the following sources:

All other software code included in this site (such as JavaScript files executed by your web browser, or code snippets displayed in articles) is authored by Alexander Dowad (me). I own the copyright on such code, even if there is no explicit copyright notice.

All are welcome to read and study such code, and of course, your web browser can execute it. If “fair use” or similar intellectual property laws apply in your country, you can borrow small excerpts of code and include them in your own software, as such laws allow. However, all other uses of my code require explicit, specific permission from me. Feel free to contact me by email to request permission.

The same principle applies to all prose (natural-language text) in this site. If intellectual property laws in your jurisdiction allow, you can quote small excerpts, with attribution and a link to the original source. Otherwise, contact me for permission before re-using text which I wrote.

Thank you for taking note!